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17th Annual King & Spalding Medical Device Summit

Join us in Chicago for the 17th Annual King & Spalding Medical Device Summit to explore cutting-edge issues facing the medical device and diagnostics industries.

Join our distinguished faculty and your industry peers for a full-day program to gain practical tools for managing risks and advancing innovation while considering novel regulatory developments and expectations.

Our Summit features three separate substantive tracks, including a “Mini Boot Camp” on fundamentals of medical device law and regulation, designed both for those new to the field and for experienced practitioners desiring a refresher course. View the full program agenda here

Please contact the K&S Events Team with requests for registration details and program information. We hope to see you in Chicago!

Event Details

Date: September 5, 2024

Time: 8:00 am (CT)

Location: Four Seasons Hotel Chicago
120 E Delaware Place
Chicago IL 60611
