Craig Matney is an International Trade Consultant in King & Spalding's International Trade Group, headquartered in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining King & Spalding, Mr. Matney served as a Senior International Trade Analyst with the Import Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce ("Commerce"). In this position, Mr. Matney was in charge of a team of analysts investigating anti-dumping and anti-subsidy (countervailing duty) actions filed by U.S. industries before the agency. Mr. Matney led teams of Commerce analysts during on-site verifications of national and regional governments' and foreign producers' data in Canada, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Germany, India, Israel, Italy and South Korea and participated in the drafting of the Department's current countervailing duty regulations.
At King & Spalding, Mr. Matney advises the firms' attorneys and clients on the prosecution and defense of antidumping and countervailing duty in the United States and around the world, including China, Mexico, and the EU. Mr. Matney specializes in the identification of qualitative and quantitative issues in the calculation of antidumping duty amounts and the subsidies. Mr. Matney has been instrumental in the filing and continuing prosecution of many antidumping cases against foreign governments and producers including wooden bedroom furniture, polyethelene retail carrier bags, coated paper, raspberries and DRAMs.
Mr. Matney received his B.A. with Special Honors from the University of Texas in 1994 and a dual M.B.A. in international business finance and an M.A. in international affairs from George Washington University in 1998.
M.A., George Washington University
M.B.A., George Washington University
B.A., University of Texas, special honors
M.A., George Washington University
M.B.A., George Washington University
B.A., University of Texas, special honors