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Buy American and Supply Chain Policy Roundup

Buy American and Supply Chain Policy Roundup

Buy American and Supply Chain Policy Roundup

Recent supply-chain vulnerabilities – highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical competition, cyber-attacks, and global warming – are now causing U.S. policymakers to expand upon their historic efforts.  The Biden Administration and Congress are currently considering policy proposals to address supply-chain vulnerabilities, including legislation that would significantly impact existing Buy America and Buy American-type program requirements.  Below are summaries and links to key congressional legislation and executive branch actions we are actively tracking, including bill text, section-by-section summaries, and accompanying press releases.

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The information on this site is organized in a chronological fashion with the most current postings listed first.  Older postings are retained on the platform for reference purposes.

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Supply Chain

August 14, 2023

Notice of Public Meeting Scheduled for August 22, 2023, on Supply Chain Competitiveness

The Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness (the “Committee”) is holding a public meeting on August 22, 2023.  The Committee will host the meeting via Zoom, which will be held between 10:45 AM and 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.  The Committee will cover topics pertaining to supply chain resilience and congestion, trade and competitiveness, freight movement and policy, trade …

August 14, 2023

Notice of Public Meeting Scheduled for August 22, 2023, on Supply Chain Competitiveness

The Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness (the “Committee”) is holding a public meeting on August 22, 2023.  The Committee will host the meeting via Zoom, which will be held between 10:45 AM and 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.  The Committee will cover topics pertaining to supply chain resilience and congestion, trade and competitiveness, freight movement and policy, trade innovation, regulatory issues, finance and infrastructure, and workforce development.  The Committee is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration and was formed to advise the Secretary on regulatory policies, programs, and investment priorities that impact the competitiveness of U.S. supply chains.  More information regarding the Committee and the August 22, 2023 meeting is available in the Federal Register

June 14, 2024

White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience

Promoting Supply Chain Resilience

United States Trade Representative Requests Information To Inform Policies That Will Promote Supply Chain Resilience

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”) published a Federal Register notice requesting comments to inform trade and investment policy initiatives that support supply chain resilience.  USTR also will hold a public hearing on this topic.  Companies seeking to shape the development of federal supply chain policies should consider taking advantage of this …

United States Trade Representative Requests Information To Inform Policies That Will Promote Supply Chain Resilience

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”) published a Federal Register notice requesting comments to inform trade and investment policy initiatives that support supply chain resilience.  USTR also will hold a public hearing on this topic.  Companies seeking to shape the development of federal supply chain policies should consider taking advantage of this opportunity.

Read more about the United States Trade Representative Request For Information To Inform Policies That Will Promote Supply Chain Resilience.

U.S. Customs Updates

August 14, 2023

CBP Extends Test Period for the Global Business Identifier Evaluative Proof of Concept (CSMS # 57322357)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) has extended the test period for the Global Business Identifier (“GBI”) Evaluative Proof of Concept (“EPoC”).  The GBI initiative aims to create a universal, single identifier solution that simplifies communication between the government and industry by improving global supply chain visibility to locate high-risk shipments and …

August 14, 2023

CBP Extends Test Period for the Global Business Identifier Evaluative Proof of Concept (CSMS # 57322357)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) has extended the test period for the Global Business Identifier (“GBI”) Evaluative Proof of Concept (“EPoC”).  The GBI initiative aims to create a universal, single identifier solution that simplifies communication between the government and industry by improving global supply chain visibility to locate high-risk shipments and facilitate secure trade.  Currently, importers use the data element known as the manufacturer or shipper identification code (“MID”). 

CBP seeks to modernize and improve upon the MID through the GBI EPoC by evaluating three entity identifiers associated with manufacturers, shippers, and sellers of imported merchandise:  Data Universal Numbering System (“DUNS”), Global Location Number (“GLN”), and Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”).  CBP is assessing their ability to report easily verifiable, standardized data that will provide CBP better visibility into supply chains. 

To increase participation, CBP extended the test period of the GBI EPoC until February 14, 2024. Interested parties may join the testing process in order to provide data for one or more identifiers through the Automated Commercial Environment (“ACE”). Additional information is available on CBP's GBI website.

Buy American Regulations Rulemaking

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

August 23, 2023

OMB Finalizes Regulatory Guidance On “Buy America Preferences For Infrastructure Projects” - King & Spalding (

May 26, 2022
White House Issues Six-Month Progress Report On Infrastructure Legislation

November 5, 2021
$1.2 Trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
On November 5, 2021 the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee announced its passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.  The bill, passed by the Senate on August 10, will now be sent to President Biden and signed into law.  The bipartisan legislation directs nearly $550 billion in new spending over five years from FY 2022 through FY 2026 to modernize transportation projects, water, power and energy, broadband and resilience.  The bill authorizes the continuation of existing programs, such as the gas tax, for the remaining $650 billion.  A White House fact sheet summarizes various funding provisions.  The bill contains a number of “Buy America” provisions, including a section entitled the “Build America, Buy America Act,” incorporating the Senate stand-alone legislation.  These provisions build upon measures proposed by the Biden administration, beginning with the “Made in America” Executive Order.  In a statement, President Biden said:  “[w]e will get America off the sidelines on manufacturing solar panels, wind farms, batteries, and electric vehicles to grow these supply chains, reward companies for paying good wages and for sourcing their materials from here in the United States, and allow us to export these products and technologies to the world.”  With a signing ceremony on the horizon, President Biden also stated that Americans will see the infrastructure bill’s effects probably starting within the next two to three months. 

Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention

Telecommunications Supply Chains

October 20, 2021
Legislation Regarding Telecommunications Supply Chains And Domestic Production Advances In The House Of Representatives: Several pieces of legislation that would address the U.S. information and communications technology (“ICT”) supply chain passed the U.S. House of Representatives on

October 20, 2021.  

The Secure Equipment Act of 2021 (the “SE Act”): The SE Act would require the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to adopt a rule currently being considered by the …

October 20, 2021
Legislation Regarding Telecommunications Supply Chains And Domestic Production Advances In The House Of Representatives: Several pieces of legislation that would address the U.S. information and communications technology (“ICT”) supply chain passed the U.S. House of Representatives on

October 20, 2021.  

The Secure Equipment Act of 2021 (the “SE Act”): The SE Act would require the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to adopt a rule currently being considered by the agency that would prohibit authorizations for equipment produced by entities that are determined by the FCC to pose an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States under Section 2 of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.  The current list of entities and equipment that are listed under this provision is available here.  The comment period for the FCC’s rule ended on October 18, 2021.

The Information and Communication Technology Strategy Act (the “ICTS Act”): The ICTS Act would require the Department of Commerce to issue a report within one year of the bill’s enactment that:

  • Identifies ICTs that are critical to U.S. economic competitiveness;
  • Identifies the industrial capacity and assesses the economic competitiveness of domestic and foreign ICT vendors that are “trusted” and don’t pose national security risks;
  • Determines the extent to which identified vendors are dependent on suppliers that pose national security risks; and
  • Discusses potential federal actions to support trusted vendors to boost their economic competitiveness and reduce their reliance on suppliers that pose risks.

Within 180 days of issuing the report, the Department of Commerce would be required to submit a “whole-of-government” strategy to Congress with recommendations on the following:

  • How to improve federal support of the economic competitiveness of vendors identified in the report;
  • How the federal government can address barriers to market-based approaches to improve the competitiveness of vendors identified in the report; and
  • How to implement the strategy, including needed changes to laws, additional resources, and the roles of federal agencies.

The Open RAN Outreach Act (the “ORAN Act”): The ORAN Act would task the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (“NTIA”) with conducting outreach and providing technical assistance to small operators of communications networks.  The NTIA’s outreach and technical assistance would focus on raising awareness about: (1) the benefits and challenges of using “Open Radio Access Network” or “Open RAN” standards; and (2) a competitive grant program established under the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act that supports the deployment of such open network technologies.  The ORAN Act’s sponsor, Congressman Colin Allred, stated that “[w]e must do all we can to strengthen our technology supply chain against any untrusted vendors and this bill helps small carriers do just that.”

The Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council Act (the “CSRIC Act”): The CSRIC Act would require the FCC to establish a council to advise the FCC on various issues including the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications networks.  The council would report to the FCC every two years and would be composed of companies in the communications industry, public interest organizations or academic institutions, and representatives of the federal, state, local, or tribal governments.

In related policy matters, comments may be filed with the Department of Commerce regarding the ICT industrial base and supply chains until November 4, 2021.

House Transportation Infrastructure Legislation

June 10, 2021

House Surface Transportation Infrastructure Reauthorization Legislation:  On June 10, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee announced its passage of the INVEST in America Act , which includes a number Buy America-focused sections, which are described in the section-by-section summary:

  • Sec. 1112. Buy America [23 USC 313]: Adds “construction materials” to the materials covered by Buy America and requires FHWA to issue a rule implementing this requirement that …

June 10, 2021

House Surface Transportation Infrastructure Reauthorization Legislation:  On June 10, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee announced its passage of the INVEST in America Act , which includes a number Buy America-focused sections, which are described in the section-by-section summary:

  • Sec. 1112. Buy America [23 USC 313]: Adds “construction materials” to the materials covered by Buy America and requires FHWA to issue a rule implementing this requirement that allows FHWA to increase domestic content over time based on availability. Directs FHWA to carry out research on domestic availability and identify suppliers of Buy America compliant materials to facilitate compliance with these requirements and support domestic jobs.  Ensures a transparent public process before waiving Buy America requirements. Strengthens existing domestic content requirements by requiring the Secretary to reevaluate any standing nationwide waivers every five years, including the manufactured products waiver, to determine whether those waivers remain necessary. This reevaluation must take into consideration the research on domestic availability and supply chains described above. Codifies longstanding congressional reporting requirements.
  • Sec. 2301. Buy America [49 USC 5320]:
    • Recodifies Buy America into section 5320, closes loopholes, removes bureaucratic burdens, clarifies waiver reporting requirements, and provides new incentives to boost domestic job production. Closes loopholes that allow waived components and components exceeding 70 percent domestic content to receive credit for 100 percent domestic content. Incentivizes higher domestic content by including final assembly costs into the domestic content calculation, providing an automatic 2.5 percent increase in domestic content if a zero-emission vehicle uses domestic battery cells, providing a bonus of 10 percent of domestic content for any component that exceeds 70 percent, and providing a bonus of 15 percent of domestic content for any component that exceeds 75 percent.
    • Requires FTA to conduct rolling stock certifications to remove the burden from transit agencies, allows certifications to be used for multiple procurements, sets a standard for recertifications, and provides fair competition by ensuring certifications are consistently applied. The DOT Inspector General will provide annual audits of the program. Creates a refined waiver process for passenger vehicles, allowing automatic waivers for passenger vehicles that are domestically assembled and have a 60 percent domestic content as measured by the American Automobile Labeling Act. Requires domestic components use domestic steel and iron. Prohibits imported components from becoming domestic components. Requires FTA to review its bus and rail component and final assembly regulations to maximize domestic job creation and align with modern manufacturing techniques. Phases in the modifications of Buy America over a five-year timeframe.
  • Sec. 9106. Buy America: Requires DOT to provide notice and opportunity for public comment on requests for waivers from FRA’s Buy America standards at least 30 days before making a finding on such request. Also requires DOT to annually report to Congress on the waivers granted during the preceding fiscal year.

U.S. Innovation Competition Act

June 8, 2021

Senate US Innovation and Competition Act (Schumer Substitute Amendment to Endless Frontier Act):  On June 8, the Senate passed the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 (S. 1260), in the form of a Schumer substitute amendment, by a vote of 68 – 32.  Both the Build America, Buy America Act (S. 1303) and the Act (S. 732) are included in the bill, and a section-by-section summary of the legislation can be found here.

June 8, 2021

Senate US Innovation and Competition Act (Schumer Substitute Amendment to Endless Frontier Act):  On June 8, the Senate passed the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 (S. 1260), in the form of a Schumer substitute amendment, by a vote of 68 – 32.  Both the Build America, Buy America Act (S. 1303) and the Act (S. 732) are included in the bill, and a section-by-section summary of the legislation can be found here.

House Infrastructure Legislation

May 26, 2021

House Stand-alone Legislation: 

May 26, 2021

House Stand-alone Legislation: 

Senate Surface Transportation Infrastructure Reauthorization Legislation:  On May 26, the Senate EPW Committee announced its unanimous passage of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act.  The legislation includes the following Buy America provision, as described in the Section-by-Section summary:

  • Sec. 1513. Buy America.  Section 1513 requires the Secretary to issue a public notice 15 days in advance of issuing a waiver for the Buy America requirement for Federal-aid projects and to report to Congress annually on all such waivers.

Senate Infrastructure Legislation

May 19, 2021

Senate Stand-alone Legislation:

May 19, 2021

Senate Stand-alone Legislation: