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King & Spalding e-Learn: What To Expect When You're Expecting Tax Reform

Now that the White House and both chambers of Congress are controlled by the same party it appears certain that there will be some form of Tax Reform in the 115th Congress. The President is expected to release an outline for tax reform in the near future, and many in Washington are closely watching to see if the Administration and Congress will reach consensus on the broad contours of a tax reform plan. Please join three former Members of Congress and other seasoned experts for a one-hour discussion of "What To Expect When You're Expecting Tax Reform."

Thank you for your interest in our e-Learn Series.  To send a request to have your name placed on the e-Learn invitation list, click here

Program Speakers

  • Gov. Bob Ehrlich
  • Tom Spulak
  • Cynthia Stroman
  • Mike Andrews
  • Bonnie Byers
  • Lloyd Hand
  • JC Boggs
  • Terry Snell
  • Allison Kassir

For more information, contact:

Glenda R. Smith
Senior Paralegal

King & Spalding LLP
1180 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
+1 404 572 3017 Direct

The King & Spalding University e-Learn Series offers monthly one-hour interactive panel presentations. There is no expense to participants.

Event Details

Date: April 5, 2017

Time: 12:30 pm