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Press Release

November 3, 2016

King & Spalding Elects 14 New Partners Across Seven Offices

NEW YORK, Nov. 3, 2016 — King & Spalding announced today that it has named 14 new partners. The partner elections span seven practices across seven offices (Atlanta, Austin, Charlotte, Dubai, London, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.).

“This year’s class of new partners again reflects our priority to develop and promote high caliber lawyers worldwide in our areas of strength,” said Robert D. Hays, Jr., chairman of King & Spalding.  “While each year is just a snapshot into the firm, this year’s class highlights the continued expansion of our regulatory, enforcement and litigation platform in Washington, D.C. which is already the first call for many clients. This round of elections also demonstrates the importance we place on pro bono and the leadership of that work.”

The following lawyers will be partners effective January 1, 2017:

  • Osama Audi, Dubai, Middle East & Islamic Finance (general corporate; mergers & acquisitions)
  • Ethan Davis, San Francisco, Business Litigation (appellate and complex litigation)
  • Adam Gray, Austin, Business Litigation (energy and construction litigation)
  • Leah Grossi, Washington, DC, Special Matters (government and internal investigations)
  • John Hyman, Atlanta, Corporate (mergers & acquisitions)
  • Christopher Kenny, Washington, DC, Healthcare (Medicare reimbursement and compliance counseling)
  • Amanda Klingler, Washington, DC, FDA & Life Sciences (FDA regulatory and compliance counseling)
  • Ilan Kotkis, London, Corporate (general corporate; mergers & acquisitions)
  • Sandra Lazorcheck, Charlotte, Finance (syndicated and bilateral finance transactions)
  • David Meadows, Atlanta, Business Litigation (complex and securities litigation)
  • Paul Mezzina, Washington, DC, Business Litigation (appellate and complex litigation)
  • Grant Nichols, Washington, DC, Special Matters (government and internal investigations)
  • Nicholas Oldham, Washington, DC, Business Litigation (data, privacy & security counseling and incident response)      
  • Joshua Toll, Washington, DC, Special Matters (pro bono; government and internal investigations)

About King & Spalding
Celebrating more than 130 years of service, King & Spalding is an international law firm that represents a broad array of clients, including half of the Fortune Global 100, with 900 lawyers in 18 offices in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The firm has handled matters in over 160 countries on six continents and is consistently recognized for the results it obtains, uncompromising commitment to quality, and dedication to understanding the business and culture of its clients. More information is available at