Wednesday, October 23, 2019
12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. ET
Following the UK’s Brexit referendum on 23 June 2016, the UK is currently due to leave the EU on 31 October 2019, although this date may slip by another few months. The UK’s departure will go down in history as the first – and only – member state to withdraw from the EU with substantial and unprecedented consequences for companies exporting to, or from, the UK and for those with supply chains operating between the UK and the EU, especially those operating across the Irish border.
The potential impact on the food and beverage industry is enormous, as it not only concerns UK food companies that trade products or services with the EU or the U.S., but also will have an effect on any EU business with activities on the UK market as well as on non-EU businesses, including U.S.-companies, using the UK as hub for their food export to the EU.
Approaching the topic from the UK, U.S., EU and WTO perspectives, our international trade and EU regulatory team will discuss in this webinar:
- The impact of Brexit on U.S. and EU food and beverage manufacturers
- The scenario if the UK left the European Union without a deal and fell back on World Trade Organization rules
- Steps for food and beverage businesses to take in managing supply chains and compliance obligations after Brexit
Please contact Miriam Hedke at mhedke@kslaw.com if you have additional questions.