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PLI’s Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement 2016 Program

Kathleen (“Katie”) McCarthy, IP partner, will Co-Chair PLI’s 2016 IP Rights Enforcement program that is designed to provide up-to-date information on developments in intellectual property rights enforcement.  From the physical world to the Internet, attendees will learn how to protect their company’s or client’s investments in intellectual property against infringement by the billion dollar piracy industry. This program will put attendees in a better position to think outside of the box when it comes to enforcement options and strategies and keep them up to date on legislative developments.  The panels, featuring in-house counsel, private firm practitioners and government agents and office representatives, will guide attendees through the latest developments in each of their areas of expertise as well as lay out creative and strategic methods of securing and enforcing IP rights.

Katie will also co-host a panel on “Washington Update” that will cover:

  • The latest from the USPTO and the Copyright Office on government initiatives regarding copyright policy, creativity and innovation in the digital economy

  • Find out about the proposed new TTAB rules and other trademark rule changes

  • Will there be federal trade secret legislation anytime soon?

IP partner, Bruce Baber, will provide a Copyright and Trademark Enforcement Update that will include discussion of recent leading cases, including:

  • The post-Aereo fallout (Fox v. Dish Network)

  • Music copyright issues (the Flo & Eddie v. Sirius XM class action and related cases)

  • The limits of copyright protection in an individual performer’s performance (Garcia v. Google)

  • Continued development in the fair use arena (Authors Guild v. Google)

  • Developments in related areas, such as the ITC decision in In re Certain Digital Models