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April 7, 2022 - Source: Human Rights Campaign, TIME, Dallas Voice, Bay Area Reporter, Pink News, Bloomberg Law, Erie Gay News, Alabama Political Reporter, Los Angeles Blade, Advocate and Law360

Brent Ray, Andy Pratt, Misty Peterson, Adam Reinke and Abby Terry join the Southern Poverty Law Center, National Center for Lesbian Rights, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders and the Human Rights Campaign to challenge Alabama legislation that criminalizes the provision of best-practice medical care for transgender minors

Go to the first Human Rights Campaign article

Go to the second Human Rights Campaign article

Go to the third Human Rights Campaign article

Go to the TIME article

Go to the Dallas Voice article

Go to the Bay Area Reporter article

Go to the Pink News article

Go to the first Bloomberg Law article

Go to the second Bloomberg Law article

Go to the third Bloomberg Law article

Go to the fourth Bloomberg Law article

Go to the fifth Bloomberg Law article

Go to the first Erie Gay News article

Go to the second Erie Gay News article

Go to the Alabama Political Reporter article

Go to the Los Angeles Blade article

Go to the Advocate article

Go to the Law360 article