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2016 Compliance Summit

Eyes Wide Open: Integrating Effective Compliance With a Thriving Business

Women play leadership roles in government, corporate compliance, risk management, and oversight of government and internal investigations. King & Spalding boasts a strong and deep bench of women who specialize in global compliance counseling and investigations. Together, we have much we can share and much we can learn from one another.

The Compliance Summit offers a wide array of perspectives from in-house legal and compliance personnel, outside counsel, private consultants, and former government attorneys, and it offers a unique opportunity for participants to network and benchmark with other compliance personnel.

Panel presentations and discussion topics will include:

  • Due Diligence and Compliance: Tips to Avoid Inheriting a Compliance Problem
  • Beyond Policy and Procedure: Ensuring Effectiveness of Your Compliance Program
  • The “Yates Memo” and Accountability of Senior Management
  • Hot Topics and Key Developments in Regulatory Enforcement, Governance, and Compliance

The program will include an interactive networking lunch and group discussion on key compliance challenges following the morning panel presentations. For more information and to register, please click here.